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Dropbox API v2 Upgrade – October 2017

Today we released an update to both the free and pro versions of Orpheus. This update integrates the Dropbox API v2, because v1 has been retired today.

We kept our Dropbox API v1 integration alive for as long as possible because it provided useful syncing and caching features.  The Dropbox API v2 has many fantastic features and improvements, however it does have some differences. Most importantly, this:

Internet access is now required to access Dropbox charts real time.

Musicians who gig or rehearse in places without internet access are advised to store charts in a local folder or on your device SD card.

Is there an offline mode?

Yes. It’s fiddly to set up, but once configured it works nicely. Tutorial here.

In case you’re wondering about caching…

The cache function hasn’t changed; it downloads a copy of the file on first access for showing a chart. Changes (eg annotations) are saved to that local copy. Any updates to the remote version (Dropbox), result in the cache file being cleared and it being re-downloaded on next load. With this in mind, you may be wondering, “If the chart is cached locally why can’t it be  accessed offline?” Jeremy explains, “A local copy of the chart is stored in the cache, but the metadata is not – it’s pulled from Dropbox. To work offline, the system would need to get and store all of the Dropbox metadata and then update it when a connection is there; triggering subsequent cache events and metadata changes.”

Thank you for being a loyal user of Orpheus. We hope the above post explains the changes. And we hope that you continue to find Orpheus helpful.

Maeve Lander is a software developer by day, trumpeter and arranger by night. She created Orpheus ~10 years ago, when Android was first born. It has gone through iteration over the years, but has always held true to the original vision; a minimalist sheet music reader that just does one thing, really well.


Tom Wilkins

5 Oct, 2021 - 12:45 pm

Hi Maeve,
I’m a new Orpheus user and am getting the hang of it. I think it’ll be a good match for me, especially for classical music where I will be using a Bluetooth page- turner.
However, I’m also a jazz piano player and I frequently use digital versions of tune collections (like the Real Books and Abersold). Is there an easy way of digitally flipping thru these books on Orpheus (like I can with Adobe Acrobat Reader)?
I’d greatly appreciate your guidance on this.
Thanks, Tom

Maeve Lander

22 Nov, 2021 - 12:01 pm

Hi Tom, sounds like the bookmarks or outline feature might suit your needs. Give them a look?

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